Why It Matters

Homelessness is one of the most intractable problems of our time. It not only deeply harms the individuals in impacts, it threatens progress and prosperity for our country.

This is a social issue and an economic issue.

Homelessness is no longer an epidemic exclusive to coastal cities with more communities than ever before experiencing increasing levels of homelessness. Both a social and economic issue, the last study estimates taxpayers spend an average of $36k for every chronically homeless person.


People in the U.S. experiencing homelessness on any given night

*The 2023 number of people experiencing homelessness on any given night, according to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development’s Point in Time Count. This figure represents a record high since homelessness data collection began in 2007 and is likely much higher in reality.


Homelessness has been on the rise since 2017 with an overall increase of 12 percent from the 2022 Point in Time Count.


In some counties, including those in which Lotus works, homelessness has increased by more than 50%.

A chronically homeless person costs the taxpayer an average of



*National Alliance to End Homelessness

The amount it costs Lotus to house an individual is



*Average annual cost for Lotus Campaign to place and keep someone in housing.

Sponsored Resident
Charlotte, North Carolina

By uniting real estate leaders and nonprofits, we can dramatically reduce homelessness.

Lotus’s founders and advisers are experts in private-sector real estate, urban planning, community development, finance, sustainability, homelessness, and affordable housing. Our mission is to house people experiencing homelessness with unique efficiency by building innovative private sector-nonprofit partnerships. With a 97% success rate proof-of-concept, we believe this innovative model can dramatically reduce homelessness in our country.

Let’s bust the myths.

To solve homelessness, we need to truly understand its causes. Contrary to what many people believe, the root causes of homelessness in the U.S. are not individual risk factors like illness, mental health, poverty, and poor decision-making. Rather, it’s supply and demand. A core part of the Lotus Campaign mission is to dispel such myths and raise awareness about the success of our game-changing model to help solve our country’s homelessness and affordable housing crisis.


The biggest causes of homelessness are poverty, mental illness, or addiction.


The biggest barrier to solving homelessness is supply and demand. Only 61 affordable units are available to every 100 extremely low-income renters in the United States.


Those experiencing homelessness will just become homeless again.


Lotus Campaign’s Landlord Participation Program is proof that with the right housing in Neighborhoods of Opportunity, and continued ongoing support, those who once experienced homelessness go on to support themselves independently. 97% of sponsored residents in Lotus Campaign’s Landlord Participation Program have gone on to support themselves.


Those experiencing homelessness can just go and get a home at any time, once they have enough money.


There are many barriers beyond money that prevent someone experiencing homelessness from acquiring lasting housing. These include proper identification, a physical address, rental history, credit checks, as well as a stable income.

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